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  Resistor :-

                The resistor is a electronic component. It's is use to control the current that's in the circuit depends on its values.

Types of Resistors :-

* Fixed Resistor

* Variable Resistor

* Fixed Resistor :-

                     In this resistor, we cannot change the value.

     Symbol - 

Circuit Diagram :- resistor → LED

Variable Resistor :-

                              In this resistor, we can change the value of Resistor.

           Symbol -


Circuit Diagram :- variable resistor→ FAN

Types of band in the resistor :-

- 3 band Resistor

- 4 band Resistor

- 5 band Resistor

- 6 band Resistor

Figure :

Therefore,We are mostly use 4 band Resistor.

How to calculate the value of Resistor :-

Figure :

According to this chart, we have to find out resistor value.

Example : 4 band resistor

Notes :

* Colour code value is taken from chart and last colour value added number of zeros. Show in the example.

* We can use the multimeter also to find out the value of Resistor.

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