Lumenor flux :
Amount of light emitted by lumenor source in one second is called Lumenor flux.
It's units is Lumen
The light energy given out by light is called Lumenor flux.
Lumen :-
Lumen is the SI unit of lumenor flux
1 lumen = 10.57×candle power
Lux :-
Number of lumens required per square meter.
Elumination :-
The density of light flow (or) insident on a surface is called Elumination.
Elumination = lumen flux÷ Area
Room Index :-
It is define as the ratio of length, width and height.
Room Index = RI= L×W÷ (L+W)×H
( L-length, W-width, H-height).
All dimensions should be in meters.
Room Index is Calculate for CUF
CUF - Co-efficient of Utilizes factor.
(It is on the catlog of company)
Reflection factor : Wall, Ceiling, Floor etc.
Fixtures :
Fixtures is a place were we use to install light unit.
Number of fixtures = [L×W×Lu×Level]÷[ CUF×M.F×Total lumen×Type of fixtures].
( Type of fixtures = lighting points)
M.F(Maintenance Factor) :-
Maintenance factor is depends on three things,
1) Initial lumen
2) Average lumen
3) Environment :- a) Neat
b) Normal
c) Untidy
Neat :- AC room - 0.8
Non-AC (Bed room,Hall) - 0.7
Normal :- Kitchen - 0.6
Dirty / Untidy :- Store room - 0.5
Types of Lamp :
LAMP Rating(W) LU/Watt
1)Incandescent 10,16,18,40,40 8-20
Lamp. 60,100,200W
2)Flurance 11,14,18,28,36 60-40
Lamp 40,54W
3)Compact 4,9,11,13,14, 55-60
Flurancent 18,25,36,40
Lamp. 45,80W
4)Light emitting - 80
5) Sodium Vrap 70,100,150 80-110
Lamp (SVL) 250,400W
6) Mercury Vrap 40,60,80,100 45-65
Lamp(MVL) 125,150,250W
7) Metal hallogen 70,100,125 70-90
Lamp(MHL) 250,400W
Standard LUX LEVEL for RESIDENTIAL purpose :-
Entrance hall 300Lux
Master bedroom 250lux
Bedroom 200lux
Dinning hall 200lux
Kitchen 300lux
Total/Bathroom 150lux
Corridor/parking/lobby 100lux
Prayer room 200lux
Standard LUX LEVEL for COMMERCIAL purpose :-
General shop 300lux
Shopping mall 750lux
Indoor station 800lux
Outdoor station 2000lux
Bar & Restaurant 100lux
GYM/Bank/General ward 300lux
Class room/ATM/LAB 400 lux
Seminar hall/ICU 500lux
Supermarkets/Function hall 600lux
Operation theater 600lux
Electrical room 200 lux
Work shop 500lux
Figure :