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AMF ( Auto Main Failure)

 AMF :

It is a change over switch type. It's works between transformer and desiel generator to the load.

    This panel consists of controller which control the generator and also provide the protection. The controller has display on it which displays all the parameter with a facility for setting the maximum and minimum limits. It's also provided for over- current protection and also given as alarm for service due to the generator.

    The A.M.F. panel are of single or dual or more consists based on the critically of apparatus and the requirements.

   The basis AMF panel consists of one contactor/circuit breaker for mains and one circuit breaker for panel.

                The two contactor are manually and electrically interlocking so that only one is ON at a time.

                                  In case of DUAL AMF there are two generator and they are either put on providing by selector switch (or) by automatic 24hrs time. Which schedule the two generator 12hrs each (or) as decided by the user and one as couplers between the breaker.

SPPR - Single Phase Preventor Relay

It is used for protection and burnouts of pumps and motors against phase unbalance and negative phase sequence. 

The relay resets automatically and remains off when a voltage is low zero, not equal or negative phase sequence.

SMPS - Switch Mode Power Supply

It is the Switched Mode circuit which is designed for obtaining the regulated DC output voltage from an AC voltage.


There are four main types such as. 

DC to DC Converter.

AC to DC Converter.

AC to AC Converter.

DC to AC Converter.

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