Lighting Arrester :
This is an instrument designed with the purpose to protect electrical system and various other components from damages that can be caused by surges (sudden change) of electricity. These surges normally occurs due to electrical switching (or) any other nature cause like lighting and very dangerous for electrical device like computer.
In order to protect all electrical components from sudden shocks the power line are equipped with lighting Arrester.
Working :
When huge voltage of electricity (normally happens during lighting) hits any electrical system. It tries to Equalizer and dispute itself by taking the most efficient router. This works is done by the simple device called lighting Arrester, it provides a path of least resistance to this electricity this routing, the excess electricity away from the electrical system into the ground. This electricity can where it dispersed without any harm to any instruments.
Types of lighting Arrester on the basis of class :
1) Station Class :
Station class arrester are meant to use in electrical power station, Substation (or) any other area with very high voltage.
These arrester give protection against lighting as well as over Voltage. Over Voltage occurs when the electrical device has more current in system than it is designed to handle.
This instrument can use to shield equipment above the 20MVA range.
2) Distribution Class :
These Class of arrester are formed on transformer both dry and liquid type filled.
Distribution arrester are used for equipment that are rated at 1000KVA (or) less.
Sometimes these are used as exposed lines having direct connection to rotating machines.
3) Intermediate Class :
Like station class arrester, these are used to protect against surges from lighting and over voltage but the difference is that intermediate are designed to use in medium voltage equipment areas like Substation, electrical utility station (or) other substation equipment.
They are used for an equipment in range of 1 to 20MVA.
4) Secondary Class :
Secondary Class type of lighting Arrester protect homes and business area from lighting sticks and this required by most electrical codes, According to ENC an electrical power protection company.
It causes high voltage overages to ground, through they don't short all the over Voltage and thus offers the least amount of protection to electrical system. Also these can't protect solid state technology (or) anything that has a microprocessor.